
Workplace Happiness

"Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."

Greek Philosopher, Aristotle (384-322BC)

Why happiness matters

The World Happiness Report was first published in 2012 and seeks to survey the state of global happiness. The thinking behind the report is that the progress of countries can be assessed by well-being measures. Hence experts from a broad range of policy and statistical domains come together to create the report. The publishers argue that happiness is a more reliable indicator of national health than other traditional factors, such as education, income etc.

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The World Happiness Report ranks the UAE as the region's happiest place to live, and globally, is ranked 28th.

The Report of 157 international countries noted that “the cause of happiness as a primary goal for public policy continues to make good progress. So far, four national governments — Bhutan, Ecuador, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela — have appointed ministers of happiness responsible for coordinating their national efforts."


The UAE has a vision to top the global happiness rankings

The appointment of a Minister of State for Happiness in the UAE is testament to the seriousness of the President and Vice-President to maintain the UAE's rank in the region and increase it globally. In fact, the vision is to be the world's happiest nation.

Vision 2021 maps out the UAE vision to become the world's happiest nation. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Makhtoum said the attainment of the vision was "national development based on core values, led by youth and focused on a future in which everyone achieves happiness."

Companies need to make happiness a priority

Each company has a responsibility to translate the UAE vision for happiness into the business context and ultimately to happier staff and customers. This involves a mix of approaches at different levels of the organisation, from high-level strategic focus to the individual contributor.

In the context of business, this highlights the importance of developing a culture where employees are empowered and creativity and innovation are encouraged. Developing the right organisational culture starts with a company’s vision, mission and values and how that translates to strategy. 

It is teams and individuals that deliver your services to the end customer. Happiness at a team and individual/ attitudinal level is a critical factor. We can train ourselves to view situations positively and with greater optimism. Positive psychology is central to individuals and teams learning to be happier and make greater contributions at both a team and individual level.

We have happiness solutions for business

We have developed a suite of happiness options that companies can adopt to build engagement and happiness at all level - from the strategic level to the frontline. Contact us to know more or meet with one of our team.

Creating your Inner Happiness     Workplace Wellness

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  • Focus Training Centre LLC &
    Focus Management Consultancy
  • Al Salmein Golden Tower, Suite 602
  • Electra Street, PO Box 322
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates